Uttara Bank Branch Listings in Chattogram

There are total 19 branches of Uttara Bank PLC situated at Chattogram district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Chattogram district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.

Branch NameAddressRouting
Agrabad 74 Agrabad C/A, Chittagong 4000 250150139
Bandartila Jamal Shopping Centre, Bandartila, CEPZ, Chittagong 250150942
Baraiyarhat Hawa Bhaban, Baraiyarhat, Mirsarai, Chittagong 250150292
Chaktai Holding No. 19, New Chaktai, Chalpotti, Chittagong 4000 250151754
Chawkbazar Ali Plaza 2, 16 Lalchand Road, Chawk Bazar, Chittagong 4203 250151938
Halishahar NN Tower, Holding No. 1546, West Rampur Post Connecting Road, Halishahar, Chittagong 4224 250153165
Jubilee Road Pedrollo Plaza, 5 Jubilee Road, Chittagong 250153644
Katghar Noor Shoping Complex, Holding No. 988/1694, MA Aziz Road, Patenga, Chittagong 4000 250154098
Khatunganj MJ Trade Centre, 263/284 Khatungang, Chittagong 4000 250154272
Laldihgi 120 Laldighi West, Chittagong 4000 250154519
Lalkhan Bazar Ayub Plaza, 597/576 Motijharna Road, Lalkhan Bazar, Chittagong 4000 250154577
Lohagara Al-Amin Shopping Complex, Lohagara, Chittagong 4396 250154669
Nasirabad Commerce View Complex, 191 CDA Avenue, East Nasirabad, Panchlaish, Chittagong 4000 250155534
Patiya Tayabia Market, Station Road, Patiya, Chittagong 4370 250156162
Reazuddin Bazar 1254 Reazuddin Bazar, Chittagong 4000 250156520
Sadarghat 38 Sadarghat Road, Chittagong 4000 250156733
Sandwip New Upazilla Complex, Harameah, Sanerhat, Sandwip, Chittagong 4300 250156917
Sheikh Mujib Road Saima Bhandar Market, Holding No. 309, Ward 24, Sheikh Mujib Road, Doublemooring, Chittagong 250157424
Sitakunda Nibir Biponi Bitan, Namar Bazar, Sitakunda, Chittagong 250157390

About Uttara Bank PLC

Uttara Bank PLC is one of the largest and oldest private sector commercial banks in Bangladesh. At the time of its establishment, it was named "Eastern Banking Corporation". After the liberation war of Bangladesh, the bank was nationalized. In 1983, it became the first privatized bank of Bangladesh. It operates through 223 fully computerized branches ensuring best possible and fastest services to its valued clients and also affiliated with nearly 600 financial institutions worldwide.


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BDT Exchange Rates
US Dollar US Dollar (USD) ৳ 121.57
Euro Euro (EUR) ৳ 131.13
British Pound British Pound (GBP) ৳ 156.66
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar (AUD) ৳ 76.67
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar (CAD) ৳ 85.23
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc (CHF) ৳ 137.56
Japanese Yen Japanese Yen (JPY) ৳ 0.81
Saudi Arabian Riyal Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) ৳ 32.40
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR) ৳ 1.42
Thai Baht Thai Baht (THB) ৳ 3.58
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