Janata Bank Colonelhat Branch, Chattogram

To find a branch of Janata Bank nearby you in Chattogram; Colonelhat would be your best choice which is located at Colonelhat, Uttar Kattali, Pahartali, Chittagong 4217 is definitely close to your location. Learn physical address, location, contact number, routing number, SWIFT code, service hours and what times and days this branch will be open and closed. Stay connected to the branch and have experience with its best services.

Janata Bank PLC
Colonelhat Branch
Colonelhat, Uttar Kattali, Pahartali, Chittagong 4217
135152294   Copy this Routing
Sunday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Wednesday: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Thursday: 10:00 am - 3:30 pm
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday - Thursday
Friday - Saturday.
Also remains off in the bank holidays, announced by the Government of Bangladesh. Find the bank holidays list here in 2025.

Note: Branch service hours may vary and are subject to change without any notice by the respective bank.
All information about bank and branch displayed above is collected from respective bank's website or profile. Banksbd.org is not responsible if found any wrong or incomplete branch information in this page. If found any wrong information, please contact us so that we could update database in the shortest time.

More Janata Bank Branches in Chattogram

Branch NameAddressRouting
Ambagan Tigerpass Road, Ambagan, Khulsi, Chittagong 4000 135150317
Amir Market Khatunganj, Lama Bazar, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135150375
Asadganj NGS Chambar, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135150612
Ashraf Ali Road Marium Market, 1 Ashraf Ali Road, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135150641
Aturar Depo Aturar Depo, Hathazari Road, Amin Jute Mills, Panchlaish, Chittagong 4211 135150704
Bakalia Hazi Tower, Kalameah Bazar, Bakalia, Chittagong 4000 135154397
Baluchara Jalalabad, Bayazid Bostami, Chittagong 4214 135150854
Barabkunda Barabkunda Bazar, Sitakunda, Chittagong 4312 135151037
Bayazid Bostami Bangladesh Oxygen, Hathazari Road, Bayazid Bostami, Chittagong 4210 135150825
Bomanghat Bazalia, Satkania, Chittagong 4388 135151332
Burishchar Nuralibari, Hathazari, Chittagong 4337 135151453
Chaktai 62/263 Nutun Chaktai, Bakalia, Chittagong 4000 135151758
Chawkbazar Rahman Market, Chawkbazar, Kotwali, Chittagong 4203 135151729
Chittagong Cantonment Chittagong Cantonment, Bayazid Bostami, Chittagong 4210 135151990
Chittagong CPZ 6606(P) Islam Mansion, Airport Road, Bandar, Chittagong 4223 135151574
Chittagong Foreign Exchange CDA Annex Building, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135152836
Chittagong Ladies 943 OR Nizam Road, Panchlaish, Chittagong 4000 135154489
Chittagong Port BSC Bhaban, Bandar, Chittagong 4100 135156287
Chittagong University Chittagong University Campus, Hathazari, Chittagong 4331 135152081
Chittagong WASA WASA Building, CDA Avenue, Dampara, Chittagong 4000 135157752
Chottagong New Market 38 CDA New Market, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135155659
Chowdhuryhat Fatehabad, Hathazari Road, Hathazari, Chittagong 4330 135152173
City Corporation City Corporation Bhaban, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135152207
CUFL CUFL, Anwara, Chittagong 4376 135151637
Dewanhat Fazia Market, Dewanhat, Sheik Mujib Road, Pathantuli, Double Mooring, Chittagong 4000 135152449
Dohazari Dohazari, Chandanaish, Chittagong 4382 135152560
Dry Dock Biman Bandar Road, East Potenga, Chittagong 4205 135152599
Faizia Bazar Faizia Bazar, Rahimpur, Hathazari, Chittagong 4330 135152652
Fatikchhari Fatikchhari, Chittagong 4350 135152744
Firingi Bazar 800 Firingi Bazar, Bridge Ghat, Kotwali, Chittagong 135152807
Gohira Gohira, Raozan, Chittagong 4343 135153019
Hathazari Hathazari, Chittagong 4330 135153222
Jalilnagar Jalil Nagar, Raozan, Chittagong 4340 135153556
Jorarganj Jorarganj, Mirsharai, Chittagong 4324 135153619
Jubilee Road Taz Machinery Market, 234 Jubilee Road, Chittagong 4000 135153648
Kadamtali Baitul Sharaf Market, Kadamtali, Double Mooring, Chittagong 4204 135153730
Kalurghat Mohara, Chandgaon, Chittagong 4208 135153914
Kamar Ali Bazar Kamar Ali, Mirsharai, Chittagong 4320 135154005
Karerhat Karerhat, Mirersharai, Chittagong 4327 135154063
Katghar Potenga, Chittagong 4204 135154092
Kazir Dewri 120 Nur Ahmed Road, Kazir Dewri, Chittagong 4000 135154155
Khatunganj 265 Khatunganj, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135154300
Kumira Kumira, Sitakunda, Chittagong 4314 135154450
Laldighi East Bank Square, Laldighi East, Chittagong 4000 135154542
Lohagara Lohagara, Chittagong 4396 135154663
Mimi Super Market Mimi Super Market, 1/B Bayazid Bostami Road, Panchlaish, Chittagong 4210 135154997
Mirsharai Mirsharai, Chittagong 4320 135155059
Mohammadpur Siraj Shopping Complex, 85 Muradpur, Pachlaish, Chittagong 4203 135155233
Muradpur Sk Farid Market, Muradpur, Panchlaish, Chittagong 4203 135155325
Nazirhat Nazirhat, Hathazari, Chittagong 4353 135155596
Padua Padua, Lohagara, Chittagong 4397 135155891
Pahartali 2192/3008 DT Road, Pahartali, Chittagong 4202 135155925
Paroma NT Madrasa, Rangunia, Chittagong 4360
Patenga Road Patenga Road, Patenga, Chittagong 4204 135156311
Patiya Patiya, Chittagong 4370 135156166
Reazuddin Bazar Rahman Centre, 582-587 Reaz Uddin Bazar, Chittagong 4000 135156524
Sadarghat Road Azim Plaza, 45 Darogahat Road, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135156737
Sadharan Bima Bhaban Sadharan Bima Bhaban, Pathantuly, Double Mooring, Chittagong 4000 135156708
Salimpur Jafrabad, Sitakunda, Chittagong 4317 135156858
Sarkerhat Mirzapur, Hathazari, Chittagong 4334 135157002
Satkania Satkania, Chittagong 4386 135156645
Shaherkhali Shaherkhali, Mirsharai, Chittagong 4321 135157181
Sitakunda Sitakunda, Chittagong 4310 135157394
Sk Mujib Road 27 Sk. Mujib Road, Agrabad C/A, Chittagong 4000 135157457
Sohrawardi Road 7/A HS Sohrawardi Road, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000
Strand Road Kulsuma Building, 100 Strand Road, Bangla Bazar, Double Mooring, Chittagong 4000 135157578
Terri Bazar Syed Ahmed Chowdhury Market, Terri Bazar, Kotwali, Chittagong 4000 135157631

About Janata Bank PLC

After the liberation war of 1971, in order to rebuild the country's economy, measures had been taken to merge a number of banks previously operated in this region and make new banks and this initiatives led to formation of Janata Bank in 1972 by combining the erstwhile United Bank Limited and Union Bank Limited under the Banks Nationalization Order of 1972. In 15 November, 2007 Janata Bank got registered with the Joint Stock of Registrars and restructured it as a public limited company with the name Janata Bank Limited. Including 4 overseas branches in United Arab Emirates, Janata Bank runs its business with 904 branches across the country.


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