There are total 1 branch of ICB Islamic Bank Limited situated at Barishal district in Bangladesh. Following table of all branches in Barishal district will help you to have any particular branch address address with location, telephone number, routing number, SWIFT code and other related information. Clicking the branch names will show you branch information directly. We have arranged the list by branch names alphabetically.
Branch Name | Address | Routing |
Barisal | 67/65 Katpatti Road, Barisal | 230060281 |
ICB Islamic Bank Limited has been incorporated on April, 1987 as a public limited company under the Companies Act, 1913 to undertake and carry out all kinds of banking, financial and business activities, transactions and operations in strict compliance with the principles of Islamic Law (Shariah) relating to business activities in particular avoiding usury in credit and sales transactions and any practice which amounts to usury. The Bank has been authorized by the Bangladesh Bank to carry on the banking business in Bangladesh and actual banking operations of this bank commenced on May 20, 1987.
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Currency | Rate |
US Dollar (USD) | ৳ 119.39 |
Euro (EUR) | ৳ 125.53 |
British Pound (GBP) | ৳ 151.61 |
Australian Dollar (AUD) | ৳ 76.88 |
Canadian Dollar (CAD) | ৳ 84.94 |
Swiss Franc (CHF) | ৳ 135.18 |
Japanese Yen (JPY) | ৳ 0.79 |
Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) | ৳ 31.78 |
Indian Rupee (INR) | ৳ 1.41 |
Thai Baht (THB) | ৳ 3.50 |