Commercial Banks in Bangladesh

There are total 58 commercial banks found in our database while 9 foreign banks are currently operating beside of 49 local commercial banks in Bangladesh.

You'll get all commercial bank details, such as, bank information, branches and ATM booth informaion and location map in Bangladesh, and bank career information of all banks. Find your nearest bank branch or ATM location from the page 2 of 6 of the entire listings of commercial banks in Bangladesh. To reach the relevant information, we set different colorful buttons below each banks with links connected to the information pages. It's an easy and single click step to reach the relevant information.

Citizens Bank PLC

Public   Local

Citizens Bank PLC is a scheduled commercial bank in the private sector established under the Bank Company Act 1991 and incorporated in Bangladesh as a public limited company under the Companies Act 1994 to carry out banking business in Bangladesh.

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Branches ATMs Routings

Commercial Bank of Ceylon Limited

Private   Foreign

Commercial Bank has on record over 90 years of unparalleled growth and achievement. Having made a distinctive mark in Sri Lankan banking history, Commercial Bank stands out for its superlative service and technological superiority. Having set a benchmark in private sector banking in Sri Lanka we have set standards, creat ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings

Community Bank Bangladesh PLC

Private   Local

Community Bank Bangladesh PLC, a concern of Bangladesh Police Kallyan Trust, has been established with a vision to serve communities with the tailor-made secured solutions abiding by the highest level of corporate governance. It aims to contribute to the economic growth of the country by providing financial products & se ... detail


Dhaka Bank PLC

Private   Local

Dhaka Bank PLC, established in 1995, is one of the prominent private commercial banks in Bangladesh. Over the years, it has distinguished itself as a key player in the country's financial sector, contributing to the economic growth and development of Bangladesh. With a commitment to providing high-quality financial servi ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings

Dutch-Bangla Bank PLC

Private   Local

Dutch-Bangla Bank PLC, formerly Dutch-Bangla Bank Limited (DBBL), a prominent private sector bank in Bangladesh, has significantly influenced the country's financial sector since its establishment. Founded on July 3, 1995, DBBL is a joint venture between the Dutch development bank FMO (Nederlandse Financierings-Maatschap ... detail

Branches ATMs Loans Routings

Eastern Bank PLC

Private   Local

Eastern Bank PLC, established in 1992, is one of the prominent private commercial banks in Bangladesh, playing a pivotal role in the nation’s financial landscape. Founded with the vision of providing comprehensive banking services while ensuring customer satisfaction, the bank has gradually expanded its footprint acros ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings

Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Limited

Private   Local

The Export-Import Bank of Bangladesh, commonly known as EXIM Bank, was established in 1999 as a crucial financial institution aimed at facilitating trade and enhancing the country's economic development. Its formation was a strategic response to the need for a dedicated banking institution that could support both exports ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings

First Security Islami Bank PLC

Private   Local

First Security Islami Bank is one of the Islami Banks which got new tradition for the purpose of modern Islami Banking program in the banking history of the country. It is fully Shariah based Bank and following the Islamic Rules and Regulation. This bank is gradually proceeding to its goal after starting its operation. O ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings

Global Islami Bank PLC

Private   Local

Bangladesh Bank approved Global Islami Bank as one of the fourth generation banks which is to materialize the dream of people having the goal to keep Bangladesh well connected with other advanced nations. It is the brainchild of 25 (twenty five) well-reputed visionary Non-Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) people residing in dif ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings

Habib Bank Limited

Private   Foreign

HBL was the first commercial bank to be established in Pakistan in 1947. Over the years, HBL has grown its branch network and become the largest private sector bank with over 1,600 branches and 1,700 ATMs globally and a customer base exceeding eight million relationships. The Government of Pakistan privatized HBL in 2004 ... detail

Branches ATMs Routings


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BDT Exchange Rates
US Dollar US Dollar (USD) ৳ 121.57
Euro Euro (EUR) ৳ 131.13
British Pound British Pound (GBP) ৳ 156.66
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar (AUD) ৳ 76.67
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar (CAD) ৳ 85.23
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc (CHF) ৳ 137.56
Japanese Yen Japanese Yen (JPY) ৳ 0.81
Saudi Arabian Riyal Saudi Arabian Riyal (SAR) ৳ 32.40
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee (INR) ৳ 1.42
Thai Baht Thai Baht (THB) ৳ 3.58
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